PREGNANT MUMS TO BE! MTHFR and your genes…. bet you haven’t heard much about this!

This is an excellent article about the MTHFR gene by Lauren Vaknine.

“If you have the gene mutation MTHFR, it means your body, especially your liver, does not process vitamins, minerals and nutrition in the right way and instead of converting them into their natural form to enable you to absorb what your body needs, it converts them into toxins. You can have the Homozygous gene or the Heterozygous gene. If you’re Homozygous, you’ve really got it bad, it means your body converts 70% of these nutrients into toxins.”

This can affect your baby while it is growing in your womb! A simple blood test can really help! This is well worth your time to read and print out and bring to your midwife.

Strep throat?

This is a great article on how to deal with a strep throat infection more naturally, vs using antibiotics.  Strep can have varying strains, and if left to its own devices in a system with low immunity, it can cause other more serious things to happen.

However, keeping the immune system strong and vital means that your body will just need extra support to show who’s boss! My daughter recently had a huge episode, and with a combination of chiropractic adjusting, loads of manuka honey and ginger tea, and a single dose of belladonna at bed time, it was gone the next day when she woke.  That infection took 24 hours to disappear.  Her system needed support not suppression.  Allowing her to deal with the infection by allowing her own body to form antibodies to fight the infection means that she probably won’t suffer again with it, her body will instantly recognise it and kill it off.  Both of my girls are really good at running 40C fevers too, their bodies are just amazing!  Chronic overuse of antibiotics means that the body will always have a lowered immunity.  It’s simply the very last choice after every natural method has been exhausted.  Neither of my children have ever had antibiotics.

Have a read and let me know what you think.

M x



The Wellness Couch…Australian Style..

At the UCA spring conference last weekend, I had the pleasure of meeting and listening to Dr Brett Hill, one of the Wellness Couch docs.  Having recently written and published his first book, How to Eat An Elephant (, he has also been heavily involved in the downloadable and very listenable series of podcasts about health and wellness with his two colleagues Laurence Tham, Damian Kristof, and Marcus Pearce.  Have a listen, you won’t be disappointed!

‘The Wellness Guys’ Show are a fun filled half hour of education, information and inspiration from three of Australia’s top wellness experts sharing their unique knowledge on the why, the what and the how of acheiving ultimate health and wellness.’


Toddler ideas site

Toddler ideas site

This is such a great blog page for great ideas of busy busy and fun learning with little ones! Especially for all those rainy days that are a coming!

Great stuff!


Toddler ideas site

This is such a great blog page for great ideas of busy busy and fun learning with little ones! Especially for all those rainy days that are a coming!

Great stuff!


That old chestnut……….


I just wanted to share this lovely and intelligent response from Chaley Scott regarding the article in the Daily Mail today ( written by a medical doctor (can you believe it?) on extended breastfeeding. 

I have a lot more to say about breastfeeding, but that is for another time!  Personally, I fed my first sweet babe until 20 months and then gave in to the pressure to stop.  At present I am still breastfeeding my second lovely babe and she will be three in September! 

Chaley Scott notes that she finds it “scary that our medical profession are so ill-informed” (specifically regarding breastfeeding). I happen to agree, and on far more than just breastfeeding issues! (don’t even get me started on nutrition!)

Have a read and let me know what you think.