Day 15 The Opposite Game

DAY 15

Wow half way there! How is your AA 2.0 upgrade going?

“Being grateful makes things happen. It’s the seed, the gateway drug.” Pam Grout

In this game, state everything backwards.  i.e.: this ice cube is so hot….. or if you have a scary meeting, I’m so excited about this meeting!

Be radical about your worldview.



DAY 13

Pam Grout says,”We think we have very little control over our thoughts or the vibratory frequency they emit.This game is intended to call bullshit on this exceedingly popular belief.”

13895439_710235325795552_150363120273431657_nIt is time to get clear on how your thoughts make you feel, and what kind of energy you are giving out by staying stuck in a story.

Whatever is happening in your life recognise that your thoughts emit an electrical charge, so choose the love buzz rather than the buzz kill.

“So whatever is happening in your life, simply say, ‘It’s okay.’ and let the loving flow of the universe do the heavy lifting.” Pam Grout

And breathe, remember to breathe.

(image credit: unknown! let me know if you know! love it!!)




Got a Challenged Child? Watch this….

This story has been making the rounds today, about an Indiana family who moved to Canada, with their son who was diagnosed with Autism.  Remarkable story, have a watch of the video.

This Mother Tore Off Labels And Nurtured Her Son’s Hidden Genius

Challenging the status quo, the professionals, and any other nay-sayer in favour of following your gut instinct and putting your child’s needs first. Way to go Mama!



2014 Questions to Consider Towards Growth and Change

This new year brings with it a lot of promise for growth and real change. I wanted to share these ten questions from the lovely Debbie Ford, to help you clarify your intentions and thought processes when you are making choices in the months to come. The last few years have been intense for many of us, and being clear in your intention and desire yields greater results and leads to more joy!  We could always use more of that!


Ten Essential Questions to Guide you to an Extraordinary Life

Will this choice propel me toward an inspiring future or will it keep me stuck in the past?

Will this choice bring me long-term fulfillment or will it bring me short-term gratification?

Am I standing in my power or am I trying to please another?

Am I looking for what’s right or am I looking for what’s wrong?

 Will this choice add to my life-force or will it rob me of my energy?

Will I use this situation as a catalyst to grow and evolve or will I use it to beat myself up?

Does this choice empower me or does it dis-empower me?

Is this an act of self-love or is it an act of self-sabotage?

Is this an act of faith or an act of fear?

Am I choosing from my divinity or am I choosing from my humanity?